For CO2 reduction and better Soil Stabilization of Roads.
Mineral oil based bitumen is used as a binder of aggregates and also as a water repellant in road construction. Bitumen has a poor CO2 footprint and also needs to be heated to 120-180 oC (energy intensive).
Our Solution
A cold mix blend of polymer (binder) and silane that reacts chemically with the silicium in the stone and also works as a strong water repellant. The silane is highly concentrated and diluted with local water from rivers. Also improves swell, deformation, breathability, capillary rise, extends the season and reduces the hours of traffic closure needed during road construction.
Improved CO2 footprint and higher quality of soil stabilized roads.

Cellulose Fiber
For CO2 reduction and higher quality of Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA)
Problem /Challenge
Paper from (old) magazines, pocket books, newsprint being disposed (land disposal) or burned. Waste of resources and poor CO2 footprint
Our Solution
Convert the paper to granules / pellets and use it to avoid runoff of the binder in production of Stone Mastic Asphalt SMA).
Improved CO2 footprint and higher quality of the SMA roads

Seabed capping
Nature Restoration
Problem /Challenge
All around our planet we have traces of human activity, contaminated toxic seabed inhibit spices in the soil and forward toxic components into the food chain with restriction for human consumption and lowering the reproductivity even for polar animals.
Our Solution
Cover the contaminated seabed- hot spots- with biobased active carbon. The carbon adsorb organic toxic material and with the use of biobased carbon you store CO2 in the seabed as well.
Helping nature to overcome human mistakes and store CO2 in the same operation.

Biochar as soil amendment
Problem /Challenge
Agriculture is a big to methane and CO2 generator. 100 years with heavy use of fertilizers have destroyed soils around the world.
Our Solution
Biochar from local pyrolysis process based on waste materials combining organic manure to make the local fertilizer plan for the farmer.
Biochar is a valuable soil amendment. It boost soil fertility and microbiology, upgrade soil structure, accelerate plant growth and store CO2 in the soil.

Composite waste
Reused in roofing material
Problem /Challenge
Composite industry has for more than 60 years used landfill depot for waste and used material. Minerals and polymers have long degradation time in depot. Re- use of new production waste and used material is important to find new markets.
Our Solution
Mill down composite material and identify the chemical / mechanical properties and identify potential new users from cladding to roofing. From windmills to sports equipment.
Re-use valuable materials – find local users – lower the transport and save virgin minerals incl CO2.

Coconut based activated carbon
For flue gas treatment in Waste to energy (WtE) plants
Problem/ Challenge
Incineration of waste generates small amounts of highly toxic mercury, dioxins and furans. Traditionally the local WtE industry has used virgin HOK produced from German brown coal which is blown into the flue gas stream to adsorb and filter out the toxins.
Our solution
Activated carbon from coconut shells is more efficient and is produced from waste-based and biological raw material.
30% less consumption, less carbon footprint, less nature footprint.
For drinking water treatment
Problem/ Challenge
Drinking water plants use activated carbon to remove unwanted taste, color and microtoxins from drinking water. Traditionally activated carbon produced from Chinese coal is used. The coal is regenerated and re-used once, then sent to landfill.
Our solution
Replace by activated carbon from coconut shell is produced from wastebased and biological raw material. After regeneration and re-use at the drinking water plant, the material will be regenerated and re-used for other applications with a lower requirement. (industrial water treatment)
Less carbon footprint, less nature footprint, prolonged material lifetime (material is given a second use in other applications).